This creamy chip dip is different from any I've ever had. Mix sour cream with tomatoes and green chilies, black olives and Cheddar cheese. Always a hit...
Easy and delicious dip! The sweetness of the Major Grey's and the spice of the curry and mustard combine well with cream cheese, and this dip is always...
Mock chopped liver in this recipe is made out of lentils. This dish tastes just like the real thing without the cholesterol of real liver! Serve mounded...
It has a sweet and slight pepper taste. Anyone that tries this loves it and it doesn't get much easier! You should be able to find the jelly in the jelly...
Take your taste buds on a wild joyride to old Mexico with this hot, creamy dip. Spinach, salsa and Monterey Jack cheese are blended in a harmonious flamenco...
I cannot go to a gathering, event or party without someone asking me if I brought my BLT dip...a crowd pleaser! Have your guests dip the toast triangles...
A milder sweet-spicy habanero sauce, but can be made hotter by adding more habaneros. I chop the peppers and garlic in a mini food processor to ensure...
This is as close as one can get to the famous restaurant 'bar scheez; spread my mother loved, Win Schuler's®. It became a staple in our house. The horseradish...
An unbaked spinach dip. Unlike many other spinach dips this one is served deliciously cold. Enjoy! You can replace the red bell pepper with minced carrot...
This curry dip is fantastic with crudites and/or chips. My latest idea is mixing it with my albacore tuna instead of mayo. Mouth-wateringly good. Tastes...
A wonderful vegan Three Chile Tomatillo Salsa. The tomatillos and chiles are dry roasted (slightly blackened) in an iron skillet giving it a wonderful...
Here's a spicy Texas favorite. Black-eyed peas and black beans are marinated in a fiery, flavorful mixture. This is great with tortilla chips or bread...
This is a GREAT alternative to chips and dip. I take this everywhere and always get asked for the recipe. It is awesome! It is best served with mini-twist...
This simple spread is reminiscent of a classic New Orleans muffuletta sandwich. This can be served on crackers, toasted bagels, or crostini. Also a nice...
This is a great dip! It's prepared on the stove top instead of in the oven. Even veggie haters love this, and I'm always asked for the recipe whenever...
This easy salmon pate is made in a food processor using smoked salmon but it works just as well with leftover poached salmon. Serve on melba toast, crackers,...
The classic sandwich is converted to dip form, but I used pastrami instead of corned beef which is a little spicier. No matter which you use, you're going...
I created this light summery dip/spread to use up an overabundance of my garden's ripe tomatoes and gorgeous basil. Serve with cut-up vegetables, crackers...
These sausage balls were a hit at our Christmas party this year. I accidentaly used low-fat cheese in the recipe and couldn't tell the difference. No frying...
Green chile peppers and garlic spice up this easy and delicious hot dip. It's great to serve while your guests are enjoying wine and waiting on the main...
Fresh, light-tasting, and flavorful homemade dip with Greek yogurt and just a hint of sweetness. Perfect for veggie platters, crackers, and more (we even...
This is a Texas recipe I've developed and refined over many years. It's very fast, easy, and I usually have everything on hand. I often give it as gifts...
This dip is similar to other bacon and Cheddar dips, but with a cool, creamy kick! Enjoy it with tortilla chips, celery sticks or rice cakes, or use it...
Great with fresh fruit! Use apples, pineapple chunks, grapes, oranges or other fruits of your choice. Have toothpicks available to spear the fruit for...
This cool and healthy dip can be served along side rice and meat, or simply with bread. No Persian meal is complete without Maast-o khiar! This dish is...
My neighbor introduced me to this cool dish that can stand alone as an easy side dish or tastes great with chicken made up as fajitas. This is a recipe...